
Welcome to Horotiu School. Please fill out all applicable sections of this enrolment form.

Please note that enrolment is provisional until we have all required documentation (ie Immunisation Records, Proof of Address, Proof of child’s Identity: Birth Certificate)

Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).

Details about your Child

Parent/Caregiver Details

Emergency Contact Details

Please provide at least one other contact not already mentioned on this form that we can ring if we are unable to get hold of anyone else.

Important Information

Please specify medical condition and or medication required

To the best of my knowledge the information contained in this enrolment form is true and correct. Horotiu School requires accurate information in order to communicate with parents/caregivers, to determine appropriate educational and pastoral support needs and to complete statistical returns.

The Privacy Act 1993 places rules on the collection, use, storage and access of information that is received at enrolment, and from student academic records. All reasonable care is taken in the collection, storage and security of this information. From time to time it needs to be updated. Individuals have the right of access to personal information through the Principal, who is the Horotiu School Privacy Officer. At the discretion of the Principal, under section 76 and section 77 of the Education Act 1989, this information may be shared with the following groups of professionals on a need to know basis: School staff, Specialist Education services, Public Health Nurse and Doctors, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Health, Oranga Tamariki and their Family service, Police, other professionals approved by the Principal. If you do not wish personal information to be released then contact should be made with the Principal.

Enrolment Declaration

Zone Declaration

I have read and understand the Ministry of Education rules regarding in-zone addresses (available at the school office). I confirm that the address I have provided on this form is the usual place of residence for this child and I will advise the school of any subsequent change of address. I have provided proof of address.

Supporting Paperwork You Will Need to Provide

If your child is STARTING SCHOOL IN NEW ZEALAND FOR THE VERY FIRST TIME you will need to provide the following supporting documents to the school. They are:-

1) Proof of your child's I.D. (birth certificate or passport)
2) Students born outside New Zealand: copy of Passport and Citizenship / Residency / Visa / Immigration documents
3) Proof of your address (utility bill or rental/sale agreement) In-zone enrolments only.
4) Immunisation Certificate

If your child is TRANSFERRING FROM ANOTHER NEW ZEALAND SCHOOL you will need to provide the following supporting documents, if applicable.
They are:-

1) Students born outside New Zealand: copy of Passport and Citizenship / Residency / Visa / Immigration documents.
2) Proof of your address (utility bill or rental/sale agreement) In-zone enrolments only.
3) Immunisation Certificate

For an enrolment to be accepted, these documents must be supplied directly to our School Office in hard copy (the office will photocopy your documents).