Our Learning
Intentional Teaching and Learning
We believe that Horotiu students learn most effectively when they understand what they are learning, why they are learning it, and how they will be able to use their new learning. We encourage students to be curious, to explore relevant information and new ideas in learning, and apply this in a wide range of contexts.
The Horotiu School Inquiry Model is the backbone for Student Inquiries which enable students to explore concepts, gather information and apply their learning in all learning areas. Horotiu School is an Enviroschool and as such is part of an environmental, action-based initiative where students are empowered to design and lead sustainability projects in our school and community.
The teachers at Horotiu look for opportunities to involve students directly in decisions relating to their own learning. This encourages them to see what they are doing as relevant and to take greater ownership of their own learning. The school places strong emphasis on ubiquitous learning (right time, right tool, right place).

An Integrated Curriculum:
Within the school term and year, it is expected that teaching & learning programmes will cover the New Zealand Curriculum learning areas through our localised curriculum - relevant to our school community and learners.
- Mathematics
- English (Oral, Written, Listening, Reading, Spelling, Handwriting,)
- Science
- Social Sciences
- The Arts (Music, Visual Arts, Dance and Drama)
- Health and Physical Education
- Technology
- Te Reo me ngaa Tikanga Maaori
ICT & Digital Technologies:
There is a strong focus at Horotiu School to effectively integrate the use of technology to increase student engagement and achievement. We allow BYOD (bring your own device) pods in the senior school, although this is not a requirement.
We run our Year 7 & 8 Technology programme on-site at Horotiu School by our senior team. This takes place over 4 consecutive days in each of the four terms. An annual fee is charged for take-home materials.
Horotiu FM
Our Media Team run our very own Radio, Horotiu FM. Tune in from the car park and in our local area on 107.2.

Parent Support & Engagement
Parents/Caregivers are a vital part of our school. We have very supportive parents who actively engage in school and community life. We have a Hui aa Whaanau forum which seeks to engage in meaningful consultation and collaboration with the parent community. Parents and whaanau are involved in many ways including fundraising, coaching and managing school sports teams, and assisting on school trips and school camps.
Reporting to Parents
Horotiu School provides two written reports a year. Student achievement is reported against the National Curriculum Levels and the written reports reflects this.
We have updated the timing of our these to better support students in their learning. The schedule Is:
- February: Informal Hub and ‘Meet the Teacher’ opportunity
- April: Term 1 Written Reports
- May: Parent/Teacher/Student Discussions
- September: Term 3 Written Reports
Parents, whaanau, staff and students work together as a team. If a parent wishes to see a teacher, they should make an appointment to do so. This can be made directly with teachers or through the School Office.
Positive Behaviour for Learning
Recognition and Rewards
Many of our rewards are ‘free and frequent’ through verbal praise, Class Dojo points, visits to share their achievements with others in the school (ie with the Senior Leadership Team), certificates, phone calls or letters home to share success. Rewards also come in the form of ‘Major’ rewards where groups of students celebrate through Termly events such as the ‘Water Fun Afternoon’ and 'School Breakfast' prepared and cooked especially for the kids by the staff!